weekly reel October 22, 2023

Nerds! Bonjour, and music with Peter Broderick & Ensemble 0.

Give It to the Sky: Arthur Russell's Tower of Meaning Expanded, by Peter Broderick & Ensemble 0 (bandcamp.com)


Drew DeVault: Going off-script.

The winners of the 2023 small world photomicrography competition.

[fr] Romain Gary à “En toutes lettres” en 1970, sur l’éclatement des médias et les bulles médiatiques.

SMBC: Social, Existential Batman, Forever, Equation, Sauce, Illusion, Sleep.

CBC (April 2011) Use of the word “terrorist” and similar BBC policy, via Reddit hell thread commenting on Fox hell post.

McSweeney’s: Sure, Trump Is an Authoritarian Grifter, but at Least He’s Three Years Younger Than Biden.


Tom7 - The glEnd of Zelda(): Automatic 3Dification of NES games and Uppestcase and Lowestcase Letters [advances in derp learning].

Technology Connections: Old pinball machines.

We have used too many levels of abstractions and now the future looks bleak, via HN.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Ed Zitron: Everything looks like a nail, and Dave Karpf: Why can’t our tech billionaires learn anything new?, and [pdf] Andreessen’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto”, redacted by Ben Grosser 👏👏👏, via jwz. If you must, here’s the original turd.

Every member of “Bandcamp United” union bargaining team was laid off (HN) and So, you want to make a Bandcamp..., via jwz.

jwz: Wherein Twitter delenda est 😄.

weekly reel October 8, 2023

Bonjour bonsoir, en musique avec Gonzo.

Chilly Gonzales - French Kiss (youtube-nocookie.com)

Chilly Gonzales - Cut Dick (youtube-nocookie.com)


[fr] Science Étonnante : Modélisation et explication de l’effet de serre.

An intuitive approach for understanding electricity.

xkcd #2838: Dubious islands of North America, and the waterways that separate them, #2839: Language acquisition.

Cyriak: HONK.


Cory Doctorow reviews Brian Merchant’s “Blood in the Machine”, 👏 read on what the Luddites movement was and wasn’t.

Casey Muratori: Conway’s law and complexity.

[fr] Épicurieux - Fiabilité des supports de sauvegarde : disque dur, SSD, bandes.

Julia Evans: Making hard things easy.

weekly reel October 1, 2023

Woop woop. This week’s 🎵 is new Grails.

Anches En Maat by Grails (bandcamp.com)


Stunning high-resolution Lidar images of rivers & deltas, and photos of storms and clouds from a 767 pilot.

Oh The Urbanity: What happened when Rotterdam banned housing investors.

SMBC: Inspired by nature, Your powers.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Drew DeVault: The forbidden topics.

The tyranny of the marginal user: Why consumer software gets worse, not better, over time (HN).

Google Ads team begging for worse search results, so that Ads team can hit their goals (direct link to US gov. PDF).

Dan Olson: This is financial advice (HN).

weekly reel September 24, 2023

Hey geeks, time for newsnewsnews.


McSweeney’s: Son, You’re Old Enough to Know the Truth, There is No Such Thing as the “Invisible Hand of the Market”.

Vox: Why large delivery vans still rule in urban U.S., while e-bikes took over Europe cities deliveries, via Kottke. As usual: lack of regulation.


Matt’s Ramblings - Speedrun science: Beating Quake with code.

Escapist: The making of EVE Online.

Force Gaming: “Live Service” games suck.

weekly reel September 17, 2023

Bonjour bonsoir, and music with Fishbach.

Avec les yeux by Fishbach (bandcamp.com)


Story of the US electric tramway in the 1920s (continued).

Stunning JWST image of a grand-design spiral galaxy.

[fr] Passé sauvage - Qui a inventé le voile obligatoire ?

SMBC: Meditation, Peace, History, Ambition.


[fr] Nitot : Non, la nouvelle Apple Watch n’est pas neutre en carbone.

Scott Alexander - Book review: Elon Musk, and comments. Also, Elon Musk moving servers.

Cory Doctorow: Greenwashing set Canada on fire, thx James.

Aardvark'd: The Fog Creek documentary, 18 years later.


Ars Technica: Funky AI-generated spiraling medieval village captivates social media, whoa.

An acronym to describe the bundle of ideologies behind the AI dreams and nightmares pushed by AI gurus: TESECREAL. Via Nelson.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Unity’s enshittification is now at full capacity. RPS 1, RPS 2, RPS 3, GoL 1, GoL 2, GoL 3, GoL 4, GoL 5, GoL 6, Muta, Jimquisition and Casey Muratori, Skill Up (video). Learned via cmuratori’s notes that (emphasis mine):

In Unity’s case, paying attention to their quarterly investor materials tells you many things that aren’t as common knowledge as they should be. As a small example, most developers think Unity is primarily in the business of selling game engines.

They’re not! Less than half of Unity’s revenue comes from game engines. Over half comes from advertising. Their bottom line is more affected by the advertising market than it is by how many developers buy their engine.

EDIT Sep. 22: Unity: An open letter to our community (HN, Muta 2), with a partial reversal and slightly less-weasely excuses than before. Fuck them anyways, they will retry bullshit like this, it’s just a matter of time given the garbage direction they’ve been taking (see above quote). Move to community-built-and-supported engines!

EDIT Sep. 23: And they keep gaslighting! Now they pretend the removal of their ToS on GitHub was done because “views were so low” and are “genuinely disappointed at how our removal of the ToS has been framed across the internet”. This, friends, is 100% pure undiluted bullshit corporate gaslighting. Have a “genuine” fuck you, assholes. Devs still not exactly thrilled and still waving fuckbye to Unity, see e.g. BallisticNG abandoning their Switch port or Godot funding jumping from 25k€/month to 50k€/month.

Reddit activity plummeted after the protests.

weekly reel September 10, 2023

Hola friends, and music with Clown Core.

Clown Core - Hell (youtube-nocookie.com)

Clown Core - Computers (youtube-nocookie.com)


[fr] Clément Viktorovitch : L’appel à la bienveillance, une forme de violence.

SMBC: Productivity tips.


OpenGL vs. Direct3D - Servan Keondjian & Casey Muratori. 👏 historical perspective on API design.


Perplexity: interactive LLM visualization, neat. Via Nelson.

Shitty tech ℹ️


weekly reel September 3, 2023

Yo, here are some news news news, listening to Rone.

L(oo)ping by Rone (bandcamp.com)


[fr] Science Étonnante - Techniques pour mieux apprendre et étudier.

Kottke: In America, the cheese is dead.

SMBC: Introducing the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves-Weinersmith voting mechanism, AI consciousness threshold, Stress.


CoRecursive #091: The science of learning to code.

EXPI by p01, 1kb JS demo that won this year’s Assembly.


Quake Speedruns Explained: E2M3 and the hardest trick in Quake.

Jim Stephanie Sterling: No sex please, we’re straight.


Drew DeVault: AI crap.

weekly reel August 27, 2023

Bonjour bonsoir, geeks. Music, with more GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES! and new Islands.

Death Breath by GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES! (bandcamp.com)

And That's Why Dolphins Lost Their Legs by Islands (bandcamp.com)


Man announces he will quit drinking by 2050. Via Nelson.

[fr] Linguisticae - Quoicoubeh : retour sur une panique générationnelle.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Web scraping for me, but not for thee.

weekly reel August 13, 2023

Hey geeks, and music with Hashimoto.

Me with a fake moustache by Hashimoto (bandcamp.com)


Huge cars harm society.

Here's what world-class Scrabble looks like.

SMBC: Rammed, Temple, Co-op.


Tech over Tea #174: Fedora Linux with the project leader, Matthew Miller. Didn’t know Matthew; lots of balanced takes on many Linux topics.

Gary Bernhardt: The Unix chainsaw.

Julia Evans: Some tactics for writing in public.

Casey Muratori: Efficient DDA circle outlines. Cool, and learned about Digital differential analysis.

KRAZAM: AI boyfriend.


Yahtzee Croshaw: Random documents and audio logs.

The infamous EVE Online bank heist.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Karawynn Long: The coming enshittification of US public libraries, via Nelson, who sums it up: “Maker of beloved library apps Overdrive / Libby was bought by private equity firm KKR in 2020, now turning the screws of rent-seeking”. Context: see Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” playbook & examples.

weekly reel July 30, 2023

Holaaa, and music with Léonie Pernet.

Le club de consolation by Léonie Pernet (bandcamp.com)


Berkeley Earth: June 2023 earth temperature update.

Lex Fridman speaks to Palestinians in the West Bank.

Oh the urbanity: Elevated trains are good, actually, on the fiasco of Montréal’s abandoned “REM de l’Est”.

Not Just Bikes: Designing urban places that don't suck.

SMBC: Transporter.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Ars Technica: Google’s nightmare “Web Integrity API” wants a DRM gatekeeper for the web.

weekly reel July 23, 2023

Bonjour bonsoir, frendz, and music with Emin Gök.

Silentio by Emin Gök (bandcamp.com)


Derek Sivers: The past is not true.

Time lapse of ants invading a flatbed document scanner.

[fr] Jamy / Épicurieux - Utilité écosystémique des insectes et moustiques.

[fr] Philoxime : L’éthique de la voiture électrique.

David Cain: Is it time for Plan A?


Tom Humberstone: I’m a Luddite (and so can you!)

Why I hate frameworks, or “Modern software development summarized”, or “Factory Factory Factory”. HN.

no-more-secrets, “a command-line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers”. HN.


Quake Speedruns Explained: The end of E1M5.

weekly reel July 16, 2023

Hey geeks, and music with PJ Harvey:

I inside the old year dying by PJ Harvey (bandcamp.com)


Nautilus: A third of North America’s birds have vanished.

“Brossez vous les dents sous la douche”.

Real Engineering: The questionable engineering of Oceangate.

SMBC: Copyright.


Anil Dash: “VC qanon” and the radicalization of the tech tycoons.

Legal Lullabies, a 50 minutes-long reading out loud of the Instagram Terms of Use. Via waxy. If this makes you giggle, see also Robert Sikoryak’s “Terms and Conditions”.

The Linux Experiment: Prospectives about the crumbling ad-based internet.


Schneier: The AI dividend.

There I ruined it, AI-generated mashups of classic singers singing modern songs. Via Nelson.

weekly reel July 9, 2023

Hola frendz, and mmmmmmusic with Fridge { Happiness + The sun }, and Ouai Stéphane.

Happiness – Anniversary Edition by Fridge (bandcamp.com)

The Sun by Fridge (bandcamp.com)

Ouai Ouai EP by Ouai Stéphane (bandcamp.com)


Real Engineering: Why Germany hates nuclear power, and the challenges of France’s nuclear infrastructure.

Derek Sivers: dashing dog, searching for purpose.

SMBC: Man-Spider, How science metrics work, Shining, Solar.

xkcd #2797: Actual progress.

TikTok / Alex Falcone: I have nothing to hide.


Drew DeVault: Seriously, don’t sign a CLA.

Tech over tea: The future of packaging on Fedora Linux.

Dylan Beattie: The Web that never was and Plain text, thx Heinz.


Sebastian Ruiz / Cold Take: Business-heads are ruining video games

Quake Speedruns Explained: Quake’s most “boring” record; the history of e2m6.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Cory Doctorow: Platforms 3-step enshittification (HN).

[pdf] Lina M. Khan: Amazon’s antitrust paradox.

weekly reel June 25, 2023

👋, passerby, and music with more The Bad Plus.

Never Stop II by The Bad Plus (bandcamp.com)


[fr] Science Étonnante : La formule qui a transformé la finance mondiale : Black-Scholes.

Not just bikes - The dumbest excuse for bad cities: size and Oh the urbanity: The human-scale urbanism of Dutch suburbia.

Tang ping, a.k.a. “lying flatism”.

SMBC: Status, Virtual.


Please remind me how we are moving forward. In this video, a machine from year ~2000 (600MHz, 128MB RAM, spinning-rust hard disk) running Windows NT. Note how snappy opening apps is. HN.

Imaginary problems are the root of Bad Software. HN.

Masnick’s Impossibility Theorem: Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well (2019).

sirrandalot: Make your Blender renders unnecessarily complicated, via Nelson.


Quake done Quickest Lite: Full run in 10:09, Cinematic movie, Commentary with runners by “Quake speedruns explained”.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Christian Selig: Debunking Reddit’s API claims.

weekly reel June 18, 2023

Hey geeks, and music with Modulogeek.

Fragile Humans by Modulogeek (bandcamp.com)


[fr/qc] IRIS : Le Grand Prix du déni écologique.

Asianometry: Soviets attempt to abolish money.

Drew DeVault: How to go to war with your employer.


Graydon Hare: Curse of the CEMBI / Let maintainers be maintainers, fuck yes.

Scott Alexander: Your incentives are not the same as media companies’.


Ross Scott: Discussion on AI, consciousness, and future of society with Jacy Reese Anthis.


How speedrunners uncovered Quake's strangest bug, and Matt - Shooting through walls: Unraveling the code behind Quake's Lightning Gun bug (HN).

weekly reel June 11, 2023

Hi nerdz, and music with Calexico.

Feast of Wire [20th Anniversary] by Calexico (bandcamp.com)


Why does Jack Nicholson repeatedly break the fourth wall in The Shining?

SMBC: Genius.


Brodie Robertson: The truth behind Ballmer’s “Linux is a cancer” quote. Or if you prefer reading, a Reddit or Quora on the topic.


Ted Chiang: What’s expected of us, and a recent interview by FT about AI.


Frost / Cold Take: The current state of online multiplayer games is embarrassing.

weekly reel June 4, 2023

Bonjour bonsoir, and music with new Horse jumper of love.

Heartbreak Rules by Horse Jumper of Love (bandcamp.com)


Arnaud Delannoy: Careless Whisper’s lick on 100 instruments (but without saxophone), via waxy.

xkcd #2782: Wikipedia article titles specificity.

SMBC: Clippy, Grablex.


Tom7 - GradIEEEnt half decent: The hidden power of imprecise lines 👏.

Graydon Hoare on the Rustconf fiasco: Batten down fix later, via r/rust.

I guess my main suggestion is a don’t-listen-to-me suggestion: “hire and listen to professionals with training in the subject”, where “the subject” covers everything “a bunch of compiler nerds” are typically bad at. Project management to political science to finance to communications to mediation to personnel.

The Project is now a decently large (and very diffuse) organization, and humans have studied how to run those for a long time, have categories of professionals who are expert in each topic. Listen to them. Don’t try to work each out from first principles, and don't pretend that because you're a bunch of compiler nerds on the internet you get to dodge all the mechanisms of a normal organization.

Shitty tech ℹ️

Reddit’s upcoming hostile API pricing mimicks Twitter’s.

weekly reel May 28, 2023

Hi frendz, and music with remixed Bell Orchestre.

Who Designs Nature's How by Bell Orchestre (bandcamp.com)


[fr] Science étonnante : Le verre.

[fr] Est-ce que les Suisses sont forts à la guerre ? (merci Berthe)


Cory Dransfeldt: I block ads.


Simon Willison: Lawyer cites fake cases invented by ChatGPT, judge is not amused. Or see video by Leonard French.


The greatest classic Tetris game of all time just happened, via Kottke.

weekly reel May 21, 2023

Hola, and music with The Bad Plus (thx Uri).

the bad plus by The Bad Plus (bandcamp.com)


Sepak Takraw, a.k.a. foot-volleyball, via Nelson.

How Tokyo became an low-car paradise.

SMBC: Gifted, Fix social media.


Yahtzee Croshaw / Extra Punctuation: The pursuit of realistic graphics is killing AAA games.

David Simon: Die of boils, mr. Sparky Car.

weekly reel May 14, 2023

Hi geeks, and music with new Colin Stetson.

When we were that what wept for the sea by Colin Stetson (bandcamp.com)


Oh the Urbanity - Montreal’s urbanist transformation: 9 steps towards a better city.

Bobby Fingers, via waxy.

Louie Zong: SING A NOTE, via waxy.

SMBC: The media.


Amy Goodchild: Early computer art in the 50’s & 60’s, via waxy.