jumping weekly reel November 24, 2012
Hey there. Feel like jumping?
Marcia Griffiths - Feel like jumping (youtube-nocookie.com)
- How to Live Without Irony, a call to sincerity and a brilliant essay highlighting flaws of our "too much comfort, too much history and too many choices" generation. via Matt
- Another Valve-esque beautiful, human, enabling handbook: Zaarly
- The fixer's Manifesto, via boingboing
- xkcd #1137 taught me a funny Unicode character, and a YouTube search reveals a potential spam/attachment/malware attack using it.
- "Miles Davis just called and he said he wants this album to be called 'BITCHES BREW'. Please advise.". Aaaaaah, memo/email businessy-speak your euphemisms are so poetic.
A well-advised (ho-ho-ho) boingboing commenter rightly points to the UrbanDictionary definition: "An extremely stuffy phrase used by business executives to close emails when they don't understand how to ask a real question. It basically means 'Please use your imagination to figure out what the fuck I need to know to make a decision on this item without making me look like an idiot in front of all the people I CCed'
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