weekly reel March 2, 2014
Bonjour. New album from the Notwist!
The Notwist - Close to the glass (youtube-nocookie.com)
Meanwhile, on the interwebs,
- The empathy vacuum, excellent article from Romantimatic's author on internet culture, empathy, tolerance, trolls.
- Where time comes from, via kottke.
- SMBC #3267, where a person was happy. Beautiful.
- The graph that changed me, about shady business tactics at RealMedia. Via rc3, who adds a cool comparison as the "ratchet effect".
- Seth Godin asks: Is it time for a competitor to the Olympics?
- The "Free" Model, via Jeff Atwood talking about App-pocalypse Now.
- Musician Zoe Keating reveals iTunes, Spotify and YouTube payouts for 2013, via waxy links.
- Manifesto for Half-Arsed Agile Software Development, via Trivium.
Comments and feedback welcome by email.