weekly reel October 9, 2016
Hi. Not new, but this week I learned Trevor Powers is done with Youth Lagoon. Twas a great ride, am eager for whatever's next. For now, 17:
The Year of Hibernation by Youth Lagoon (bandcamp.com)
- Not OK, Google, via HN where user TulliusCicero sums it up:
"Many of us nerds have probably innocuously fantasized about having a Star Trek-like AI assistant with us, but now that they're taking the first steps towards that, we're starting to realize that in order for it to do everything for us, it has to know everything about us, too."
To which user johngalt answers:
"The only thing we got wrong is that we expected the machines that knew everything about us to be ours. Not someone elses." - The cobalt pipeline, tracing the path from deadly hand-dug mines in Congo to consumers phones and laptops.
- Datagueule 62 : La faim du travail.
- [fr] Anne Archet est en forme : Litanies de la femme honnête, Sirventès de l'innocence.
- Bruce Schneier: We need to save the internet from the Internet of Things.
- MIT: The moral machine is "a platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence, such as self-driving cars", to see how humans solve trolley problem scenarios. Via kottke, who also points to why it may not matter so much.
- Christian Heilmann: Can we stop bad-mouthing CSS in developer talks, please?
- The hilarious Git man page generator.
Comments and feedback welcome by email.