weekly reel April 12, 2020

Hola, and music, with Martyn Heyne, new M. Ward, Yugen Blakrok.

Electric Intervals by Martyn Heyne (bandcamp.com)

Migration Stories by M. Ward (bandcamp.com)

Anima Mysterium by Yugen Blakrok (bandcamp.com)


  • [fr] Monsieur Phi - Les essais cliniques sont-ils immoraux ?
  • [fr] Rubin Steiner - L'universitĂ© populaire de la musique moderne, merci Julien.
  • [fr] IRIS / Eric Martin : Comment rĂ©ussir la dĂ©mondialisation ?
  • Coronavirus:
    • Kottke: Why has Germany been effective at limiting Covid-19 deaths?
    • Maciej CegƂowski: Let's all wear a mask.
    • [fr/qc] Got a word from a friend (merci Berthe) about the "fined while singing happy birthday to a friend from their car" case: this is a good example of La Presse providing hot-but-often-incorrect facts and failing to correct past articles once they got the facts straightened up. My friend says it's not a rare occurence from them, and recommends to take all they write with a grain of salt, or avoid them and read slower-but-more-accurate newspapers.
      1. [Monday @ 5AM](https://www.lapresse.ca/covid-19/202004/06/01-5268157-le-spvm-distribue-des-amendes-salees.php): _"Selon elle, les agents lui ont dit qu’elle recevrait par la poste une amende de 1500 $ d’ici 10 jours et qu’advenant une deuxiùme infraction, elle risquait de six mois à un an de prison."_
      2. [Monday @ 12, about the same case](https://www.lapresse.ca/covid-19/202004/06/01-5268206-le-spvm-a-emis-67-constats-dinfraction.php): _"un porte-parole du SPVM a indiquĂ© Ă  La Presse que c’est un avertissement, et non un constat d’infraction, qui a Ă©tĂ© remis en fin de semaine Ă  une femme dont des amis sont venus souligner l’anniversaire en voiture, Ă  Beaconsfield. « La dame a Ă©tĂ© avertie. Elle n’a pas reçu de constat et n’en recevra pas », nous a-t-on dit."_

    Article 1 could kiiiinda be considered okay-ish if corrected through an in-article erratum after article 2. got published, but this didn't happen. Also, reading 1.'s _"selon elle"_ literally, yes the gap disappears (reading it as La Presse _"just reporting what *she* said"_), but c'm'on, this is not journalism then, this is gossip forwarding without the slightest fact-checking.

    So: one case (among others if I trust my friend's experience) where La Presse 1. doesn't check facts / fails to adequately signal un-checked facts, and 2. fails to publish in-article erratas after a fact was debunked. Not the best journalism 😕. Keep it in mind.

  • Tech:
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