weekly reel February 27, 2022

👋 nerds, and music with Floating Points and Lala Lala.

Promises by Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The London Symphony Orchestra (bandcamp.com)

I want the door to open by Lala Lala (bandcamp.com)

Ukraine war

[fr] SalomĂ© Zourabichvili (prĂ©sidente de la RĂ©publique de GĂ©orgie) @ France Inter : Poutine est en train de provoquer ce qu’il voulait Ă©viter”. Merci Berthe.

RealLifeLore (Joseph Pisenti): Why Russia is invading Ukraine.

Au sujet de du prĂ©texte de Poutine de “dĂ©nazifier” l’Ukraine,

  1. Les médias occidentaux ne savent rien : Guardian, WaPo, Fox, Haaretz.
  2. Direction WikipĂ©dia pour un rappel d’histoire (merci maman, merci Ă  mon grand-pĂšre Ukrainien) : Causes de la collaboration en Ukraine durant la seconde guerre mondiale, et surtout Holodomor.
  3. Et au regard de la situation actuelle, Paul Moreira sur Thinkerview @ 1:30:30 revient sur son documentaire de 2014 : “Ukraine, les masques de la rĂ©volution” (+ courte entrevue sur France Info en 2016). Bref, loin d’excuser les actions de Poutine, il est regrettable que nos mĂ©dias soient incapables de faire leur travail et d’expliquer les faits (point 1. ci-dessus). “Oui il y a d’importants groupes nazis en Ukraine, qui se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s durant les rĂ©volutions du pays, et y ont participĂ©. Non, les combattre n’est en rien la louable motivation de Poutine, c’est un prĂ©texte, une manipulation honteuse parmi d’autres dans son arsenal de propagande et fausses nouvelles”, est-ce si compliquĂ© Ă  formuler ? Comment peut-on critiquer la propagande d’un connard de dictateur si nous sommes nous-mĂȘmes incapables de prĂ©senter les faits ?

Wikipedia: War in Donbas & casualties, 2014 Donbas status referendums.

Data Center Dynamics: How Russia took over the internet in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.


Monsieur Phi - Justice et héritage.

adn: The cons of compassion.

Déneigement Montréal.

John Green: How to make potatoes while dread presses in from every direction.


Sporks: Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI. HN.

RPS: The jolly co-operation of localising Dark Souls.

RPS: Making games accessible isn't the same as making them easy.

Troy Hunt: How everything we’re told about website identity assurance is wrong.

Shitty tech â„č

David Rosenthal @ Stanford EE380: Can we mitigate cryptocurrencies’ externalities? (text). Also from him, Daniel Rosenthal: Making sure “Number Go Up”.

DF: Facebook’s stolen privacy ecosystem:

I often turn to the analogy of Facebook’s profiting from exploiting users’ privacy —and complaining about Apple now giving users control being bad for business— to that of a pawnshop complaining about the police cracking down on a burglary spree that the pawnshop had profited from. There are small businesses that are built on Facebook, which depend upon Facebook’s surveillance-based ad targeting.

But arguing that it’s wrong, in any way, for Apple (and perhaps, soon Google) to give users the control to close these tracking loopholes because it’s going to hurt these small businesses built atop Facebook’s targeted ad capabilities is like arguing about the plight of small business that depend upon cheap goods purchased from the hypothetical pawnshop that’s been buying those goods from burglars. The whole thing has [...] been illegitimate, even if the small businesses did nothing wrong themselves.

Comments and feedback welcome by email.