weekly reel October 29, 2023

Hey geeks. The weekly 🎼 is Jeremy Dutcher.

Motewolonuwok, by Jeremy Dutcher (bandcamp.com)


Robert Reich @ UC Berkeley: Wealth & poverty, “a deep look at why inequalities of income and wealth have widened significantly since the late 1970s in the United States, and why this poses dangerous risks to society”, 👏. US-centric, but not US-specific.

Barbara Ehrenreich - Bright-sided: How “Positive Thinking” undermines America, thx James.

Separating fact from fiction on social media in times of conflict.

Oh the urbanity: 25 recent awesome urban transformations in Montréal.

McSweeney’s: So, You’ve Decided to Start Listening to Radiohead in Your Mid-Thirties.

SMBC: Esteem, Autocomplete.


[fr] JB Kempf de VideoLAN / VLC cause sur Underscore_ : HDMI, vidéo, codecs, dav1d.

Jacob Bartlett - Through the Ages: Apple CPU architecture.

A cone-ven of witches casting spells onto self-driving cars.

Comments and feedback welcome by email.